Over 120 people gathered at the Dash game on Friday evening, May 6, for Home Runs for Project Cornerstone, an event organized by the Young Samaritans. Despite the tornado warnings, lightening and heavy rains, we found moments of sunshine, blue skies and even a rainbow over Salem Parkway. View photo album.
The crowd included Young Samaritans and their children, volunteers and grandchildren, Samaritan staff, current Cornerstone guests and Cornerstone men from years past. Several huddled under an umbrella with Janice Doherty, the first Cornerstone counselor who helped start the program in 1995. For her, Cornerstone is not just about recovery but about life . . . how to get a job . . . how to live with others. . . how to manage money. An outing to a baseball game shows Cornerstone men a way to have a good time without drugs and alcohol.
William B. III, Project Cornerstone graduate had the opportunity to throw the first pitch of the game. “I enjoyed the night out with my grandchildren. This is the first time I’ve been to a baseball game since I was 15 years old. I was nervous because I haven’t held a ball in my hand in over 49 years but excited at the same time.”
Jan Kelly, executive director, said “This night was special because it brought all of us together. A new generation of donors met Cornerstone men and heard their stories. One former guest talked about his relapse during the pandemic. His first phone call was to a Cornerstone brother to ask for help. Cornerstone is a life-long commitment. We know that when those storms of life come, they’re easier to navigate with friends and family. Samaritan is that community for Project Cornerstone guests, giving them hope each day.”
We would like to extend a special thank you to the generous event sponsors for making Home Runs for Project Cornerstone possible. Additionally, thank you to the donors who are helping us grow the Sonjia Kurosky Project Cornerstone Endowment at The Winston-Salem Foundation.