About Samaritan Ministries

Samaritan Ministries was founded in 1981. We are an interdenominational, volunteer-based Christian ministry that serves Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. Our Soup Kitchen and Samaritan Inn Shelter are open 365 days and nights a year to serve people in need.

Our vision is: Transforming lives through Christian service.

Our mission is: Providing food, shelter and hope through Christian love.

For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat … I was a stranger and you invited me in …
Matthew 25:35

Our three major programs include:

Samaritan Soup Kitchen, Winston-Salem’s only soup kitchen serving a daily average of 352 guests.

Samaritan Inn, a 70-bed homeless shelter for men.

Project Cornerstone, a 10-bed residential substance abuse recovery program for homeless men.


"It’s not just feeding people. It’s allowing them to retain their dignity and self-worth."

Anthony Basile, Professional chef and dinner leader