For over 25 years, the Penny Campaign has energized the greater Winston Salem community to help feed the hungry during the Christmas season. It is a powerful way to support those in need during the holidays. Our traditional coin collection jars will be very limited this year due to COVID19 restrictions, and our goal is to raise at least $50,000. To help us reach that goal, we have two ways to support the Penny Campaign this year: online (Penny Campaigner) and traditional in-person efforts.

OPTION 1: ONLINE – BE A PENNY CAMPAIGNER! In addition to traditional ways of collecting money, we have set up a virtual method for people to become a “Penny Campaigner” and collect funds online for the Penny Campaign from friends, family, coworkers, and more. You can do this individually or as a team. It’s really easy to set up your campaign!
Visit our Penny Campaigner page HERE to learn more!
You may, of course, collect coins or cash and bring them to our traditional coin collection event on Saturday, December 5 from 9 a.m.-noon at Truist Stadium (home of the Winston-Salem Dash) in Winston-Salem at 951 Ballpark Way. This will be a drive-thru event that will follow social distancing and other appropriate COVID-19 guidelines.