Celebrating 44 Years of History

As we celebrate Samaritan’s 44th anniversary, we continue to serve with hospitality, love, empathy, encouragement, and collaboration. Thank you for stepping up to give and serve during our fourth decade to carry on the legacy that is Samaritan Ministries.

Click below to enjoy a short timeline of milestones & read about upcoming events!

2024 Year In Review

Samaritan Ministries has welcomed guests and provided food, shelter, and hope through Christian love for 44 YEARS. In over 16,000 DAYS, we have never closed our doors to those in need. Read more about how we lived out our mission statement through our 3 programs in 2024. Click to View 2024 Year In Review

Souper Bowl – Soup for Souls

Samaritan Ministries plans to celebrate the NFL Super Bowl 2025 with a party for our guests on February 9. We are encouraging others to VolunteerDonate, or Host a Food Drive to bless our guests with food & family fun. Rally a team of family, friends, church, work, or club members to join us in the fight against local hunger!
Learn more on our Souper Bowl Event Page

Happy New Year!

We’re so thankful for all the love and joy you shared with Samaritan over the holiday season. Read about our recent events and enjoy pictures from our 2024 Season of Sharing in our January E-News.

Press Release: Cugino Forno

On October 7, 2024, we launched an ongoing pizza promotion in which Cugino’s allows their customers to get involved with giving back to the community! Visit Cugino Forno locations in Winston-Salem, Clemmons, and Greensboro to buy a pizza for Samaritan. Cugino Forno will match your purchase and give to the shelter guests at our Samaritan Inn.

Cugino Forno press release – APPROVED

Arzaia Thomas wins Winston-Salem Volunteer Servant Leadership Award

Arzaia Thomas is a long-time volunteer and dedicated servant at Samaritan Ministries. On August 27, 2024, she was recognized by Fox8 on the “Good For Her!” news channel spotlight. She was awarded the “Myrtie Davis Lifetime Volunteer Servant Leadership Award.” A well-deserved title for a woman who has changed her life and given so much as part of the Samaritan family.

View and read more of Arzaia’s store here!

Press Release: Can Film Festival

RiverRun will present the third annual Can Film Festival to benefit Samaritan Ministries on Saturday, December 7 at Marketplace Cinemas (2095 Peters Creek Parkway in Winston-Salem). Bring 2 cans of food and watch a holiday film for free! “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” will show at 12:30 p.m. and again at 3 p.m. and “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” will show at 7:30 p.m.

Can Film Festival press release – APPROVED

Hunger & Homelessness Week

Samaritan Ministries will be recognizing “National Hunger & Homelessness Week” during November 18-22 on social media, as well as through community partnership events. We will be partnering with Mi Pueblo, Forsyth Health & Human Services, and Winston-Salem State University (The Delta Alpha Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated). Please feel free to join us for any and all of the following events:

Schedule of events:

  • November 18th: Homeless Awareness Week Begins!
  • November 19th: Discussion Panel with Executive Director, Jan Kelly, and Cornerstone Guests. Our Project Cornerstone guests will be sharing their experience and growth. The event is at 6:00 PM in the Forsyth County Central Library on 660 West 5th Street, Winston-Salem.
  • November 19th: WSSU Candlelight Vigil at 7:14 PM. The event will be located in the center of WSSU campus at the clock tower outside of the Cleon F. Thompson Center.
  • November 20th: Samaritan Ministries Tabling Display at WSSU Women’s Basketball Game
  • November 20th: Mi Pueblo Mexican Grill will be hosting a fundraiser for the Samaritan Ministries Penny Campaign from 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM. Visit locations at 644 South Stratford Rd. and 2905 Reynolda Rd. in Winston-Salem to eat tacos and show your support!
  • November 21st: WSSU Movie Night
  • November 22nd: WSSU 28th Annual Sleep Out for the Homeless

Other Opportunities at Samaritan: